Which ten stories were the most popular on OC Partner?
Over the course of this year, we have posted 189 times to OC Partner. Posts have been about new products, discontinued products, closing dates, All-Partner events such as the OC Partner Meeting and the Partner Awards, the new OC Olympics, birthdays, new distributors, webinars and in-person events, and on and on.
But which posts proved to be the most popular? Here are the Top 3.
THIRD: 2021 OC Olympics
The Olympics Leaderboard updates proved to be very popular with you all. As we launch the 2022 OC Olympics we will keep those updates coming. In fact, the 2022 OC Olympics will even more exciting, with four quarterly events plus one ongoing annual event. Plus there will be some cool branded swag to win.

SECOND: Spanish Language Protocol
Specially commissioned for our Spanish-speaking markets, the "Protocol en Espanol" was a huge success with you all. Featuring five of our highly regarded speakers, this edition of the Protocol was launched during the Madrid Pitts 21 Forum.

And the number 1?
FIRST: Meet the Executive Team!
Turns out you are all quite an inquisitive bunch and were keen to learn about OC's Executive Management Team. Over the past year, we have added a number of new faces to the management team, so it wasn't a surprise that you would be eager to get to know them. Among the newcomers were Wes Couser, Sara Runnels, and Brad Anderson. This trio of highly skilled executives joined oldtimers that already knew such as Alan Kozlowski, Eric Ackerman, and myself. They joined names you might recognize but not know like Jeff Tunnel, Juergen Bathen, and our HR Manager, Emma Changizian.
Here is the full list of the TOP 10 Stories of 2021
